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Previously Talisman AI

Boost your win rate with our AI Agents, which thoroughly analyze all supporting evidence, detect document fraud, and identify signs of predatory litigation.

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Banco BMG
C6 Bank
Banco Votorantim

Boost your win rate with hyper-customized lawsuit answers for each of your cases.

Exhaustive evidence analysis

We thoroughly interpret each defense document provided – from long contracts to hours of audio and video – ensuring that all defense arguments are personalized and clearly presented in the lawsuit answer.

Predatory Litigation

We automatically identify and highlight in the lawsuit answer attorneys who file – individually or through business partnerships – a high volume of lawsuits as part of an irregular practice of law.

Free access to court

All requests for free access to court are analyzed individually and automatically. We access multiple public data sources of financial and court data to detect irregular requests for financial assistance.

Document fraud

We automatically detect and highlight in the lawsuit answer any indications of fraud in proof of residence, powers of attorney, and other documents. We use multiple verification layers and proprietary databases to validate the trustworthiness each document.

A few of our numbers

lawsuit answers filed in court
reduction of time spent per lawsuit answer
return on investment

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